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Keeping Your Restaurant On Its Toes

When you run a business like a restaurant, it can be easy to get complacent about the details. Your employees might be used to you checking in on them during certain times of the week, or you might get comfortable with your same old menu. Unfortunately, if your place stays exactly the same, customers can lose interest—which can be bad for business. I want you to know what you need to do to make your restaurant beautiful, functional, and relevant, which is why I made this site. Here, you will learn key strategies for perfecting your business, so that you don't end up with a mess on your hands.

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Keeping Your Restaurant On Its Toes

    Tips for Eating Gluten-free at Mexican Restaurants

    When someone asks you to go out to eat a Mexican restaurant, do you instantly get anxious because you're not sure if they will have gluten-free food? If so, you should instead educate yourself as to what you can and cannot eat at a Mexican restaurant. Here are two tips to help you learn what to order and eat at a restaurant that serves Mexican food. Appetizers Almost all Mexican restaurants serve chips and salsa as an appetizer, and you don't even have to ask for these things.

    5 Reasons To Host Your Office Party At A Banquet Hall

    If your office is like many, you probably host parties every now and then to celebrate holidays or big company achievements. Many companies host these parties at the office itself, but a better option is to rent a banquet center. These are a few reasons why you should consider renting out a nice banquet hall and relocating your group for the next office party. 1. Enjoy a Better Atmosphere Your employees probably get tired of spending so much time at the office, so they might not want to celebrate and have a good time is at the same office.

    Fishy Fightin' Words: 2 Beloved and Contested Seafood Dishes

    Wherever you find an iconic seafood dish, you'll find controversy. Generations will engage in heated debates over the correct way to prepare it, historians will argue over which culture first created the specialty, and various regions, restaurants, and cookbook authors will claim bragging rights to the only "authentic" version of the given dish. These two seafood dishes are steeped in controversy, as you can tell by the statements that have been made about them:

    The Different Categories Of American Food To Try

    America is a melting pot of different countries that brought cuisine from their native lands. American food is influenced by cultures that hail from all over the world. Although our food is born out of all the different people who settled here, there is a lot of food that was created here in the United States and is uniquely American. Beyond just hamburgers and hot dogs, there are several other categories of American cuisine to be explored.

    How Can You Tell If Your Mexican Food Is Inauthentic?

    Although Americanized Mexican cuisine can be delicious in its own right, many diners long to experience authentic, traditional Mexican food as it was meant to be eaten. But how can you tell if your taco is the best Mexican food money can buy, or simply a hollow approximation? These five tell-tale signs all point to Mexican food that has been given a less-than-traditional, American spin.  Your Food is Served on Flour Tortillas