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Keeping Your Restaurant On Its Toes

When you run a business like a restaurant, it can be easy to get complacent about the details. Your employees might be used to you checking in on them during certain times of the week, or you might get comfortable with your same old menu. Unfortunately, if your place stays exactly the same, customers can lose interest—which can be bad for business. I want you to know what you need to do to make your restaurant beautiful, functional, and relevant, which is why I made this site. Here, you will learn key strategies for perfecting your business, so that you don't end up with a mess on your hands.

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Keeping Your Restaurant On Its Toes

Blind Date? 3 Reasons To Meet At A Bar And Grill

by Julio Myers

You've been set up on a blind date and you are having a tough time trying to pick a location for your date. You know you want to enjoy dinner and drinks, but you aren't keen on the idea of reserving a table at a formal restaurant.  You are excited, but a little nervous, and you want to choose a place where you will both feel comfortable, have a conversation and have a good time. Where should you tell your date to meet you? How about the local bar and grill?

Here's a look at a few great reasons why a bar and grill is a fantastic spot for a blind or a first date.

It's Casual

Sure, fancy restaurants are nice, but when you're meeting someone for the first time, this type of setting may add to your nerves. Which fork do you use? Should you order a bottle of wine?

A bar and grill offers a casual atmosphere that will make you feel more laid back and relaxed. There's no need to put on airs. You'll be more likely to be yourself when you're dining in the casual setting of a bar and grill, which means that the conversation will probably flow a little bit easier because you won't have to worry about things like which fork to use to eat your appetizer.

A Simple Menu

Typically, the menu of a bar and grill is pretty simple and straightforward—burgers and fries, steaks, grilled chicken sandwiches, mozzarella sticks. What if your blind date – or what if you – are a picky eater? The simplicity of the menu at a bar and grill generally offers something for everyone. And, if you don't see exactly what you're looking for, chances are that you can easily modify a dish so that you can get something you will like. For example, if you want a completely plain burger but only see a bacon cheeseburger with the works, you'll probably be able to 86 the bacon, the cheese and all the toppings.

It's Budget-Friendly

Usually, the cost of dining at a bar and grill is much easier on the pocket than a meal at a formal restaurant. You want to make a good impression, but you don't have to break the bank to do so. An appetizer, two meals, dessert and a few drinks will likely be much more affordable at a casual eatery.

If you're wondering where to go on a blind date, go someplace where you can feel comfortable and relaxed; meet at a local bar and grill like Buzzard Billy's and enjoy getting to know each other. 
